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Open Letter to all Visitors - August 2016


The time has come to partially shutter This wasn't an easy decision, but after 11 years of maintaining this site, I just don't have the time to continue as I have.

The forums were launched in 2005 after the forums at were shut down. The Internet was a much different place then, and this small forum achieved some success as it stepped into the vacuum left by's sudden demise. We've helped a lot of people, and I'm very proud to say that we've done it while keeping the spammers at bay and staying very much on topic. I always wanted this to be a place where people would come to talk mostly about maintaining Preludes. In that regard, I think has been a success.

The last few years have been quiet on the forums. I think this is primarily due to two things:

First, Prelude ownership numbers are certainly dropping. Preludes of all generations are getting old and a lot of them are finding their way into the scrap yard rather than finding new enthusiastic owners. As a long-time fan of these cars, this hurts, but it's the truth. I salute all of you who work hard to keep your Prelude from disappearing into oblivion. They're wonderful cars.

Second, the very idea of a forum has drifted out of favor on the Internet. Forums are still an effective platform for discussion, but Internet users now expect richer experiences. This site still gets a reasonable amount of traffic, but our YouTube channel gets a lot more. That says it all.

So, what happens now?

I'm going to place the forums in "Read-Only" mode for a while. Posting and memberships will be disabled, but you'll still be able to read and search all the content we have here. With so many contributions, it didn't seem fair to just throw all the good information we have away. Instead, I'll keep the content up but use the read-only mode as a way to greatly simplify maintenance.

Long term, I may look at a way to make all the content permanently static on some much cheaper hosting that I have. In short, our content will be here for the foreseeable future. No changes will be made to the YouTube channel. It's going to stay open.

Thank you very much to all of you who have visited and contributed your questions and knowledge. It's been fun running this site. Enjoy the content, and be sure to check out our YouTube channel if you haven't already.

Farewell, and drive safely.

Welcome to

Thank you for visiting This site is designed just for Honda Prelude enthusiasts. You might be interested in our:

The members of our Honda Prelude Forum are always eager to answer questions. No question is too simple; we want to help people who are just getting involved in the immense pleasure of owning a Honda Prelude.

We invite you to join and demonstrate your passion for Preludes through learning, collaborating and contributing. This is your chance to improve your skills, share your research, and learn how to take your Prelude to the limit. Whatever your skill level, whatever the year of your Prelude, we welcome you.

Visit Us on YouTube is on YouTube. Check out our YouTube Channel



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